"SOUNDS OF THE CITY", dance performance, 17. 8. 2010.
Cite Internationale des Arts
18 rue de l ' Hotel de Ville
75004 Paris

Dance performance: Vesna Šantak
Sounds effects "Sound of the City": Omar Traore
Photoshop creation: Omar Traore


"In a project "Sounds of the city" Vesna Šantak explores the way of the sounds influences on our emotions, experiences, moods... Trought her dance and movement she examines a sound and silence in space and questions where the touching points of other and our in her space."

 2010th year I was in residence at the Cite Internationale des Arts in Paris. Paris audience I was presented with a performance 'Sounds of the City "in the concert hall Edmond Michelet within Cite 17th 8th 2010th. 
I participated a group exhibition paintings "11 Visions Project", 24.9.2010. in ART GALLERY 'EST, 96 rue Quincampoix in Paris. I realized collaboration with artists from Paris: musicians Alexandre Garcia and Jérémy Faivre, photographer Joanna Wong and sculptor Isa Bourland.

2010. godine sam bila na  rezidenciji u CITE INTERNATIONALE DES ARTS u Parizu. Pariškoj publici sam se predstavila sa  performanceom „Zvukovi Grada“ u koncertnoj dvorani Edmond Michelet u sklopu Citea, 17. 8. 2010. 

Sudjelovala sam na skupnoj izložbi slika „11 Visions Project“, 24.9.2010. u  GALERIE ART ' EST, 96 rue Quincampoix, u Parizu. Ostvarila sam suradnju sa umjetnicima iz Pariza: glazbenicima Alexandre Garcia i  Jérémy Faivre, fotografkinjom Joannom Wong i kiparicom Isom Bourland.

„Zvukovi grada“ je projekt u kojem kroz ples i pokret istražujem kako zvukovi grada utječu na naše emocije, percepciju, raspoloženje. Također u ovom projektu propitujem granice kretanja – vanjski prostor (sve ono što nas okružuje) u odnosu na naš unutarnji prostor (doživljaji, osjećaji, misli).

Dance performance: Vesna Šantak, Sounds effects "Sound of the City": Omar Traore, Photoshop creation: Omar Traore
 Dance performance: Vesna Šantak, Sounds effects "Sound of the City": Omar Traore, Photoshop creation: Omar Traore
 Dance performance: Vesna Šantak, Sounds effects "Sound of the City": Omar Traore, Photoshop creation: Omar Traore

 Dance performance: Vesna Šantak, Sounds effects "Sound of the City": Omar Traore, Photoshop creation: Omar Traore
Dance performance: Vesna Šantak, Sounds effects "Sound of the City": Omar Traore, Photoshop creation: Omar Traore

Dance performance: Vesna Šantak, Sounds effects "Sound of the City": Omar Traore, Photoshop creation: Omar Traore

Sounds effects "Sound of the City": Omar Traore 
 Photoshop creation: Omar Traore

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