petak, 4. prosinca 2009.


The artistic work
Dynamic composition and vivid color with accentuated horror vacui is most characteristic of this young and original artist who is living the life of her paintings.
The paintings, which awaken the fantasy not only of children but of adults alike, are full of creatures from legends, myths, fables and symbols of transcendence (Frog as a symbol of resurrection, Birds as a symbol of Gods words, Dragon as a symbol of change, Fish as a symbol of harmony, regeneration, love; balance between mind and emotion, Lizard symbol as a of power to regenerate that which is lost, moving in the otherworld, Turtle symbol as a of longevity, wisdom, connection to the Earth).
Symbols are everlasting but the Forma is modern and founded equivalent on the Investigations Ancientis the Culturels howmany on the Experencies modern Publishes, Televisions.
The Pictures of her are possible strong the Base for the Consideration, he who very good nows old Culturels and like he who normally is visiting on the techno party. The giddy Composition is the Expression the Movemements shammans Transcendence and is the same the dancig Music.
The intensely colours areprovoking the traditional thoughtful Dynamisu as much the violence thoghtful Vision new medias.
That is the Philosophy and the Dancing the exciting of the consideration and the fashionable transcendence. The symbolic base the Pictures Vesne Šantak are speaking about the Balance and the Combination old – line and new – line, spiritual and secular.

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